Art blogging

Prestige in the interiors

Are you planning to enrich your interior? Original and unique oil art will be an excellent and prestigious choice

Blog #001

Prestige in the interiors
- how to choose oil paintings?

If you are planning to enrich interior design with an original and unique work of art - an oil painting will be an excellent and prestigious choice

Artworks are all around

Paintings, pictures, photos, drawings, posters. Works of art. Smaller and larger formats. Expensive or affordable. They have always decorated our interiors. They make us feel better, give us energy, improve our mood.

Just look around. There are no interiors without pictures. They hang on the walls of apartments, houses, offices, restaurants, hotels, public facilities. They add character to them. They shape impressions and emotions.

Kinds of painting

Oil painting – the most prestigious. Acrylic painting – open to many possibilities. Watercolor painting – light and delicate. Each of these types finds its own fans and collectors.

The easel oil painting makes the biggest impression on most viewers. Usually large formats, a canvas ground on a wooden frame and thickly applied oil paint. Creating a clear, rich texture.

Zoom in and out

Approaching the surface of the canvas for a few inches, all brush strokes are clearly visible. The transitions and combinations of colours. At close range we admire the artist’s technique. But often we cannot see the subject. Then we need to move away from the painting – and we begin to see what has been created from thousands of colour strokes.

Oil painting needs space to present its value. It is only then that we see the true artistry of the artist. When the coloured patches come together, arrange themselves and create forms, figures, bodies.

I often recommend viewers to slightly close their eyes. Squinting the eyelids „blurs” the view and brings out an almost three-dimensional effect. 

Look for emotions

When choosing a painting – we decide on a theme, colours and forms that appeal to the owner, builder or designer. That matches the personality and character of the users or the object. And one that blends in with the interior design. We want the painting to emphasise the full effect.

Sometimes it will be a realistic painting. Sometimes modern and abstract. The key is to choose one that evokes emotion. It delights. Provokes. Inspires. Triggers impression of awe.

A unique original

Remember – when deciding to choose and buy a painting, it is good to feel the value of its qualities and a lot of emotion.

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Unique One Original

One exclusive copy of an oil painting. Signed by EK

Certify of Authentity

Author's Certificate
of Authenticity is included

Handmade artwork

Original oil painting created
by a professional artist

Master of Fine Art

Graduate of the Academy
of Fine Arts in Wroclaw

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