Art & Emotions


A few words about me. Experiences, professional work, feelings, emotions, art of painting.

Creative Designer and Art Painter

Hello and welcome to the world of Art&Emotions

Ewa Krzywińska, two loves

FIRST: I am professional creative designer with a high level of art education (certified Master of Arts) and practice on senior level experience.

On a daily basis I co-run Rebels Design Studio. We enjoy designing brand identities and product packaging – mostly for the beauty industry.

SECOND: My female artistic soul needs to express its sensitivity and feelings. And where can you present them more strongly than by creating original works of art?

So I work with paints, canvas and emotions to create modern oil paintings, graphic posters, illustrations and unique graphic designs.

Some Nice Numbers

If you like numbers,
here are three examples

Parts in one painting
Years of Experience
Completed Projects

Feel free to browse art full of my soul.
Watch. Feel. Think. And react, anyway you like 🙂

Life is an inspiration

The main focus of my inspirations is people, their lives and relationships. I capture the best fleeting moments, emotions, memories.

I care about breaking stereotypes and move smoothly between minimalist abstraction and portraiture or nude.

Much of the feedback on my original paintings and posters focuses on their modernity, femininity, and beauty.

Techniques as a tool

I am in love with oil paints, because oil allow to alive the canvas with unlimited palette of colors.

I’m sure that work with the color drives the primary role to create unique atmosphere. This is the core of artwork and start to „all that jazz” 🙂

1001 completed works

I would like to one day count how many smaller and larger artworks and designs I have created. There were hundreds and thousands of them.

I finished my artistic education with a Master of Arts degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.

It took me the next years to work in 3 advertising agencies, and then a long and fruitful time in the in-house creative studio of a well-known Polish cosmetics brand.

I share my soul

The combination of education time, professional workshop experience and impressions from many ethnic travels in Europe  (visiting locally, without x-star hotels) – created in my soul a mixture of emotions, memories and images.

It is all of them that I wish to share.

10,927 is the number of NFT tokens. One of my largest oil canvases was digitally divided into this many elements.

Art exhibitions

Wrocław, Poland

Wrocław, Poland

Wrocław, Poland

The Feminine Side of Art IV
DEFABRYKA, Warszawa, Poland

Pre-auction exhibitions

DESA UNICUM Auction House
Young Art Auctions

XANADU Gallery and Auction House
Young Painting and Sculpture Auctions

Young Art Auctions

Join my Collectors Group